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tv   Shepard Smith Reporting  FOX News  December 18, 2013 12:00pm-1:01pm PST

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rebel tweets affluence is not be a excuse for harming others. what do we call dirt poor who commit the same act? guilty. thanks for watching, shepard smith is coming up live from the fox news desk. >> you have a fantastic day. sentencing day and not fantastic for a former government official who pulled off one enormous con job, he cheated the federal government out of almost a million dollars by convincing them he was a spy. they caught him and sentenced him so let's get to it. good wednesday afternoon, t. it's 3:00 in new york city. headlines in the news, a former federal official told his boss he couldn't come to work because he was a cia spy. the boss said you're a spy, so be it. more than a decade later the
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admitted scammer is heading to prison. we have video of the phony secret guy who wasn't a secret. the phony secret agent left court a short time ago. john beal with the environmental protection agency. that was true. under a plea deal a judge sentenced him to more than 2.5 years in prison on top of steep fines. while at the epa beal convinced people he was a secret agent. and he could only work four days a week. eventually he said he would ditch work for months at a time during his so-called secret missions. in all he didn't show up about 2.5 years. he even had the epa pay for trips to visit his family at more than $10,000 on average a pop. his bosses eventually found out he was no cia spy, he was just lazy and add a liar.
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after he pled guilty he refused to admit i did anything to congress. >> do you now or did you ever serving are severe with the cia as an agent, operative or any capacity in which you aided the cia? >> mr. chairman, i respectfully d kline to answer that question on the basis of my 5th amendment privilege. >> the feds say the lies went further than working for the cia. he claimed he got malaria severing in vietnam so he could have a better parking space. for a parking space. he didn't have malaria and never served in any war. what a tangled web. >> john beal admitted in court he had no excuse for what he did. he blamed it on what he called simple agreed. beal told the judge, i own this. this is on me. he acknowledged shame has become my constant companion. the self admitted shameful behavior is spelled out in this eight page confession he signed
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in september. starting in the year 2000 he took one day a week off from work claiming he was working for the cia. he admitted taking five trips to los angeles, spending more than 57,000 taxpayer dollars for personal evaluations. vacations. he stopped going to work six months telling managers he was working for langley. the court documents showed he pulled it again in 2011 and 2012 taking a year and a half off from work while getting paid the entire time. when investigators finally started questioning about his behavior he admitted he never worked for the cia. they say he got away with it for so long because his peers held him in such high regard. >> mr. beal did very high quality work for the agency. he got a lot of accolades and he said that wasn't enough. so he assumed the persona of cia
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undercover agent. it was universally accepted, absolutely universally accepted through the agency that he work for the cia among the senior executives. >> we spoke by skype with a former cia officer who says it should have been obvious beal wasn't a spy. they're not allowed to tell people about their work. >> there were a number of red flags being waived in the air and no one seemed to pick up on this. >> the judge called beal, quote a stain on the federal workforce. in addition to the prison sentence of two years, eight months, she ordered him to pay more than half a million dollars to the feds on top of more than $800,000 he's paid back for work he didn't do. >> ten years. >> ten years. >> no cia, not today. good to see you, thank you. it's a great day for your 401(k)'s and your ira. the markets jumped just after 2:00 about an hour ago.
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up 183 points and we're above 16,000, it shot up around two weeks ago when the feds announced starting in january it will begin scaling back the massive economic storm stimulus program to the tune of $85 billion a month. the fed sites a stronger job market. it said once the job market gets better we'll scale back. investors love the decision. gerri willis is with us. you see what happened? it dipped at 2:00, 2:00 eastern time. i guess they were trying to figure it out. >> you can't understand this right away. it's complicated. this is this is the sword of damaconclave. we got the announcement today but what they liked and had reason stocks took off is because at the end of the day they're not going to cut it in half or by a little bit. they're going to do it slowly,
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ease into it. all explained and today ben bernanke told us exactly what they're going to do. >> it sounds like -- we were discussing this before the program began. this is as much about a lack of indecision. in other words, they're decisive. >> they're decisive now. this has been something people worried about. when is it going to happen? people expected a selloff so it was surprising when the stocks went up. that tells you where paragraphs professional investors heads are. >> i heard there were a lot of shorts. whenever this decision came out they expected it would go down and it did for a millisecond. >> that was it. >> we're close to record territory. >> you can only hope the trend is our friend and it continues. >> that would be amazing. gerri, so good to see you. people need their iras and
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401(k)'s. >> john kerry expressed regret to officials in india over arrest of an indian diplomat. >> he was saying as secretary of state we do think it's important for diplomats here and overseas to be afforded respect and dignity. >> it does not necessarily mean that the department believes the crimes against the diplomat -- i should say the charges against the diplomat are not true. the charges could carry a hefty prison sentence. prosecutors say the woman lied on advice is a. she claimed she was paying her indian maid $4,500 a month but she actually gave her a much smaller paycheck. in fact less than $3 an hour. hello, it's america, that's illegal. the diplomat says in response, u.s. authorities strip searched her last week, performed a cavity search and swabbed her for dna despite per claims of
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diplomatic immunity. that's when foreign officials are not subject to prosecution. you can't even get a parking ticket if you have a plate. the woman does not have full immunity. she's out on a quarter million dollars bail and it's triggered a backlash against our country in india. the prime minister described it as deplorable and india's government revoked privileges for u.s. diplomats there. demonstratedders protested her arrest outside the u.s. abide in new delhi. and just yesterday authorities there retaliated in a different way, removing traffic barricades outside. the u.s. marshals followed standard procedures and all this dustup in india. lots of people wondering where that's about to go. we're minutes away from a release of a major report we expect will shake up the intelligence community and the
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way the nsa spies on people. there's a report that indicates you may not be allowed to do this. dozens of potential changes may be coming and we'll tell you what we have learned about it. judge napolitano will join us. y)
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a fox urgented the white house is about to release a report maybe in the next few minutes commending more -- i should say
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recommending more than 40 changes in how the national security does business, the nsa. a task force will reportedly call for new limits on the information the nsa collects and how long they hold on to it. the president set up the task force in august after edward snowden released documents revealing the phone and internet surveillance programs. judge andrew napolitano is with us. let's start with the judge's ruling. >> richard leon, appointee of president bush, is the first judge to rule on the constitutionality in the context of the nsa resisting. it's not the nsa going to the judge alone, it's something suing the nsa to stop them from spying. at the end of the lawsuit, the judge said, the spying is unconstitutional. you can't spy on all 380 million
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cell phones in the united states because you're looking for a half dozen phone calls without identifying the calls and the evidence you gave shows that it doesn't even work. it doesn't even give you the information that you are looking for and you haven't been able to point to a single terrorist act that you stopped by this spying. >> not one. >> not one. originally general alexander said 52. then reduced it to 3. then declined to identify the three. in this case before the judge they couldn't point to a single one. >> incredible. you saw 60 minutes where they trotted the folks out. >> the nsa has, to its credit, done a good job persuading people their rights should be sacrificed. half of america thinks the nsa is keeping us safe. judge leon, the first judge to look a at this in ad adversarial
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can text. i have served search warrants. if the place say, your honor, in zip code 07602, there's two guys talking about a bank robbery. can you let us listen to every folk in the zip code in hopes we find those two? i would have said get out. take a hike. that's basically what the nsa has been doing, except not with zip codes, they're doing it with the entire country and that's what the judge found in violation. >> we thought we might get the report by now but it's coming out presently, in the next few minutes. we kind of have an idea what's going on. to say it's a harsh rebuke and changes for the nsa might be overstating things. >> the nsa works for the president. the president on his own, without going to congress or involving the court, without involving budgetary issues can
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dial back the nsa. we don't know what they'll recommend. i doubt it will be over the top because the president and the president's lawyers defended what the nsa has been doing in this case before judge leon. they argued it was constitutional. will the judge's opinion be enough to change the president's mind? i doubt it. >> we expect to get the report. you'll hang around. >> of course. i'll be with you. >> and we'll let you know what they're changing. >> a increase in the reward to catch two guys who killed a man at a shopping in all in gmc new jersey while his wife watched. an anticrime group and donors upped the reward. the manhunt continues in indonesia newark, new jersey after two minute shot and killed the husband during a carjacking
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on sunday. the car turned up the next day. the vehicle was seen towed away. today friends and relatives held a funeral for the victim. >> two people woke up to a new normal. what we know about the winning tickets for the near record jackpot and why the winners will auto get even more money than first reported. like $630 million wasn't enough? wait until you hear this. it's coming. (announcer) at scottrade, our clients trade and invest exactly how they want. with scottrade's online banking, i get one view of my bank and brokerage accounts with one login... to easily move my money when i need to. plus, when i call my local scottrade office, i can talk to someone who knows how i trade. because i don't trade like everybody. i trade like me. i'm with scottrade.
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(announcer) scottrade-proud to be ranked "best overall client experience." i dbefore i dosearch any projects on my home. i love my contractor, and i am so thankful to angie's list for bringing us together. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. to share with family. [ woman 2 ] to carry on traditions. [ woman 3 ] to come together even when we're apart. [ male announcer ] in stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy and more, swanson makes holiday dishes delicious.
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a fox you are urgent. one of the winners has come forward in the megamillions to claim half of the second largest jackpot in history. that's according to the officials in georgia.
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the other was sold in california. we don't know the names of either winner but georgia folks tell us it's a single winner, not some office pool. we expect more information in a few minutes. megamillions announced it has increased the prize from yesterday's drawing. it was $736 million. i should say 636 million-dollar. it's now 648 million, $8 million shy of the all-time record. i mentioned officials say there are two winning tickets. a gift shop in san jose sold one. the other -- well, the owner there says she probably nose the person who bought it because most of her customers are her friends and now there's a news conference coming up. officials say a small news stand in atlanta sold the other winning ticket. we don't know who won that thing, but that's going to change. the names of the lottery winners are public information unstate laws in georgia and california.
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a news conference is minutes away. johnathan, tell us more about this place. >> reporter: well, it's less than three miles from the store where i bought this lottery ticket and didn't win anything but the person who did win and again georgia lottery officials confirm it's a single winner, not office pool, walked into this office building you see behind me in the buck head busy district and went into a small shop in the lobby called gateway news stand. young sue lee, who owned that place for nine years, says she's never seen such excitement. take a listen. >> first time i had this kind of money. i have no idea. thank you for the god. >> a lot of excitement indeed. the georgia lottery corporation called for a news conference. it will take place within an hour. they're going to announce the georgia winner of this
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megamillions lottery drawing. however they tell us the winner will not be present at that news conference. >> you gave it away. i was hoping the winner would be there. otherwise i wasn't going to mention it. shame on you. what about the other one in california. do we know anything about that person? >> we do. it is out in san jose, california. the winning ticket was purchased at a small store called jenny's gift shop. in fact the owner that sold that winning ticket spoke to reporters just moments ago. give it a listen. >> whatever i want to do, i can do it. right now, a million dollars, i can do everything i want to do. you know, i make my family happy. >> reporter: this is interesting and causes a lot of confusion. the million dollars he's referring to is because in california, store owners who sell a winning ticket actually get a small percentage of the winnings. up to a million dollars in
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california. but every state is different. a lot of people thought the store owner in georgia would be able to cash in. not so. store owners get 6% of the ticket sales they make but they do not get a percentage of the winning. >> that's horrible. what's wrong with georgia? i'm serious. >> we'll work on it. we'll work on it. >> i know what it is. >> yeah, it appears to be in flux. >> well, it's not mark's fault. >> what's your they're? >> theory. >> i don't know, it's georgia. nothing against georgia. i don't know. i thought everywhere that this -- store owners sell the ticket, they get some money. there's $648 million, you would think they could find 10 grand for her. >> apparently it's on and off depending on where they allocate. but in georgia you get a nice imitation check that you get to hang in the window so you have
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the pride of knowing you sold the winning ticket. >> that will do it. pride and a check's helpful. otherwise, tell me merry christmas and send me on my way. ga embarks come on. get on it. you got to fix that. officials at carnival cruise lines new about the risk before the infamous cruise from hell this year that ended up on the tv news channels 24 hours a day for a week. that's the accusation from a lawsuit from dozens of passengers. they say the carnival cruise line new very well this ship was a problem. back in february a fire knocked out power to the carnival triumph during a cruise leaving the ship and thousands of passengers floating in filthy conditions for five days. according to court documents the company recommended they install shields on the fuel hoses one month before they leaked and
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caught fire. the deadly was three weeks after the fire. officials say the ship's engine passed inspection the day before departing and the triumph was up to code. during this ordeal, passengers reported toilets stopped working. stench was to bad they camped out on the decks. cruise workers served things like ketchup and bread and cold onion sandwiches. listen to this. the word from the cruise line is no matter what all that, we never promised sanitary conditions and never promised you would have a great time or great food. seriously carnival? thanks so much for that. this is just in. this is huge news for sports fans. listen up. the federal communications commission may get rid of the blackout rule. that's the one that keeps cable or satellite channels from showing games that are not sold out. this rule goes back decades. the idea was to get more people to the games to go instead of
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watching on the couch. over the years it's driven fans nuts like folks in cold cities where they have trouble filling the stadiums but fans can't watch on tv. the nfl supports keeping the rule. i'm hearing yea from jacksonville. there's one place you can't fill up. the feds say the guy who claimed there were bombs all over harvard's campus could have kept the crime a secret but he made one really basic mistakes. and then there's this. somewhere, should i walk over there? that's it. this is a still shot but if you like the crack-smoking mayor, i think you're going to love his dance. oh, he dances, he's a crack smoking mayor who dances to reggae.
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before using her new bank of america credit card,
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a fox report. more of the headlines. firefighters in california say they're hoping to get some help from the weather as they battle a huge fire burning right now in big sur. forecasters predict lighter winds and maybe rain tonight. the fire destroyed almost 2 dozen homes and buildings and forced 100 people to evacuate. no report of injuries. a small plane crashed and burst into flames in atlanta last night killing both people onboard. that's the word from emergency workers. one witness says the explosion relate rattled his house and just missed a few homes. no word on the cause. border patrol agents caught an american woman with almost 30 pounds of meth in her car at a checkpoint near tucson. it's worth half a million dollars and the driver's under arrest. apparently the blue mist is only on television. michael, tell us why you used priceline express deal
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let me tell but the dow. we reported that things were going nuts on wall street. good grief. look at that. the dow up 232 point and i believe not 100% sure but i'll know in seconds. i believe it's an all-time intraday high. 1,610,679. a lot of people have been shorting it thinking it would go down, about the fed will scale back the bond buy-back. they're at 85 billion and will scale back. investors love it. if you have a 401(k) or ira, it's having a nice day today on wall street. all time intraday high is 16,174. so we're not there yet. come on, now. we'll see what happens. here in the united states. this says back here -- the senate is set to vote on a
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budget deal to scale back painful spending cuts, the ones that were never supposed to go into place. analysts say it looks like the bill will have no problem passing despite vocal opposition from republicans on the far right with ties to the tea party. the house passed the bill with backing from both parties. but some senate runs said they would never vote for any measure that increases spending period. mike emanuel has news on capitol hill. what's being said? the far right doesn't want to go for anything these days. >> it's a deal that would fund the government for two years and remove a threat of government shutdown. lawmakers are making their final arguments for and against the deal. one lawmaker made a rolling stones reference in his remarks. >> my favorite philosopher, mick jagger, says you can't always
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get what you want. but if you try sometimes, you might find you get what you need. what we need right now is a budget. it's something we can work from that gives us certainty. i believe we can fix this pension program. >> the pension program. republican senators kelly ayotte and roger wicker have been fighting cuts for those under age 62. a $6 billion cut after cost of living increases and the senators want it fixed. jean shaheen suggested a bill that would close corporate tax loopholes instead of going after military benefits. it's one of the ideas being floated and john cornyn says the issue should be addressed now. >> i don't have any doubt whatsoever if we were able to come up with an appropriate paid for and of substitute for this cut in military pensions, that
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it would pass like a hot knife through butter in the house of representatives when they reconvene. >> reporter: senator patty murray says including disabled retiree benefits in the cut was a mistake and she says it will get addressed after the bill is passed. >> mike emanuel, thank you. breaks right now. the harvard university sophomore accused of making bomb threats to get out of taking his final exam is at this moment appearing in court. the feds say he faces up to five years in prison for this. investigators say he almost got away with it and would have but the ivy league student made a critical mistake. more on that in just a minute. according to an fbi affidavit, 20-year-old eldon kim used a temporary anonymous email address to send messages to the university indicating to the police and student newspapers he had bombs. here's what they said.
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subject. bombs placed around campus. the messages mentioned shrapnel bombings and warned guess correctly, be quick for they will go off soon. it was a hoax and led to evacuations at the university on monday and shut you down for buildings for hours before investigators finally determined there were no explosives. investigators say kim sent those emails using a website called guerrilla mail. but the feds and university officials tracked him down because it did it using harvard's wifi. the idea behind gorilla mail is you can hide your identity. a drop down, a different domain name at shark lasers or guerrilla mail net. you can change the beginning of your email address so you send it from yours, you goes through
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guerrilla mail and you won't get tracked down. expect using the harvard wifi and obviously on the harvard wifi they can track you down. i have a cyber security analyst. >> you nailed it. basically when you use wifi from a public place, the university work, they're tracking what you're doing. even though you hide who you are, they know this guy accessed this program they then linked to the threat. >> through the wifi network they backed it up and said look, he went through gorilla mail or sent something to us. >> what they did is they knew at the time the threat was received. so what they did is said who would try to get out of final exams? a student. so then what they did is they went and found out who was using the program called tour. tour hides who you are on the internet. when they found three or four students did that at that time, one cracked. it was him. >> so if you were using tour and
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you were on your own wifi, something they couldn't easily search and have readily available. it might have worked? >> absolutely. tour basically hides who you are from the internet by sending your message through random computers. so you have to have a lot of horsepower or a lot of money to pretty much track that back. then you'll still be unsuccessful. when you do it through a public wifi network, public from the perspective of a university, that's tracking the programs on computer. if you open tour, chance are you're up to something. >> very interesting. thankfully he messed it up. >> this is a pretty extreme way to get out of exams. >> and spend up to five years in prison. i'm sure he'll love that. that rich teen who killed four people while drunk driving, but dodged jail time thanks to something called of calledda fl.
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now he could still under up behind bars. our lawyers will weigh in on this case and that's next. across america people are taking charge
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of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza®. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar, but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza®. he said victoza® is different than pills. victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once-a-day, any time, and comes in a pen. and the needle is thin. victoza® is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. victoza® is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adultth type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza® has not been studied
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with mealtime insulin. victoza® is not insulin. do not take victoza® if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza® or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include: swelling of face, lips, tongue, or throat, fainting or dizziness, very rapid heartbeat, problems breathing or swallowing, severe rash or itching. tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza®, including inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), which may be fatal. stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. some side effects can lead to dehydration,
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which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza®. it's covered by most health plans. toronto's crack smoke mayor rob ford may not have power as a mayor but he's not letting that get him down. witness this. >> let's get together ♪ ♪ and feel all right >> wonder what let's get together and feel all right means in mayor ford language. this happened yesterday. he wasn't alone. this is not to suggest everyone on the toronto city council smokes crack. that's not the case. mayor ford got his groove on with a jazz group playing bob marley's one love on the floor of the city council. he was clearly having a magnificent time.
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he was not alone. others danced. we're not sure they had the same motivation. seriously speaking. prosecutors are looking into a texas teen and putting him behind bars after a judge sentenced him to ten years of probation for a drunk driver driving crash. a psychology gist said he suffered from affluenza. investigators say the 16-year-old was driving drunk when he ran over and killed four people near fort worth in june. during the trial hess lawyers said their client comes from a wealthy family and his parents never taught him right from wrong. it worked of. the district attorney is asking the judge to put him in jail on intoxication assault charges because he hurt two teens in the back of a pickup truck. one of them is so messed up he's paralyzed and all he can do is blink to communicate. he suffered such serious injuries that's all he has left. the driver and his parents face
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five civil lawsuits from the victims' families and could have to pay millions in damage. wei don't get this ashley. the judge gives him ten years probation for the killing of two people and now they want to put him behind bars for the injuries to people who are not yet dead. >> i agree with you. i do not get it either. ink it's unlikely the judge would have given ten years probation for a death offensive and lock him up for none death offense. i think they're playing into public sentiment. if the judge increases the punishment it's just to appease the public. >> that's the only thing that makes sense, what do you think? >> there were four charges for homicide. a verdict on those charges. the two other charges, intoxicated assault, were never resulted in a verdict. unless they are dismissed by the
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protection they do have an opportunity to go back and try them on these issues. they could even possibly try them before a different judge. certainly he could now face that jail time. >> everyone in the country, every newscast is talking about this. i just wonder, is this -- would you not normally include these charges in the original case? >> well, the defendant pled guilty before the judge. this came out this affluenza came out during sentencing so it was something the judge missed and didn't sentence him on the remaining counts so she could go back but everything's been adjudicated. he has not had a sentence on the remaining counts so they're saying we didn't get time on the homicide cases. now let's get time on the assault. >> if you have affluenza, many you're so rich your parents never taught you anything and you killed four people and get ten years probation, why in the
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world would he get jail time for not killing people? it makes no sense. >> well, one of the things i was that's going on, the fact he did get ten years probation. however, the defense argument was affluenza. the child was brought up on privilege and knows money buys him out of everything. that argument is being used against him now. they're saying you're giving him back to the parents that couldn't parent his correctly. they caused this problem. how, then, can they cure it? that can be part of the prosecution attempt to say we can't put him back in the hands of the people who created this situation. we need to make him face ramifications and lose freedoms, more so in a incarcerated setting, not so much prison but incarcerated maybe for two years. he comes you the out at 18 and maybe the sense of privilege no longer exists. >> the privilege was your
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parents are rich enough to get a poor lawyer. the person being locked up. tell me the person wouldn't. >> the person would probably be locked up but as a defense lawyer we go with what we have. sometimes all we have it they didn't know right from wrong. the parents aren't going to see the trial for two years. they're not -- this child for two years. they're not allowed to have contact. we've got to remember the point of juvenile justice. the point is rehabilitation. that's what the judge ordered. that he go into a rehabilitation facility for two years. >> we'll watch it and let folks know. good to see you both. >> the man to created the popular tv show the walking dead is now suing the cable network that airs it. amc. he claims the executives cheated him out of tens of millions of dollars. the walking dead is about a survivor's of a zombie apocalypse. more than 16 million tuned in
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back in october. that is an enormous number on cable. despite the success, the creator's lawsuit states amc claimed the show was in debt so they wouldn't have to pay him so much. no comment from amc. a glitch on the international space station ising forcing astronauts to go on emergency spacewalks. the news conference set to begin right away in the georgia lottery. insert your comment here and we'll be right back.
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that news conference where we saw -- they're having the news conference. two people have won. and they're announcing winners
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now. >> over 900,000 other prize winners a great night in georgia. our prize winner did come in to lottery headquarters this afternoon to claim her prize. her name is ira curry. she lives in stone mountain. she has elected to take the cash option and we'll share what that means for her and her family. it's over 173 million-dollar for the cash option of which we will withhold 25% for federal income tax and 6% for georgia income tax leaving the family with $120 million cash. ira and her family elected not to participate in the press conference this afternoon and we're going to be respectful are that i have pricy. they were very, very excited about the win. they were as they said, still in a state of shock.
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this morning, miss curry heard about the jackpot drawing last evening. she heard on the radio station the announcer talking about a 7 -- number 7 as the megaball. she realized that was her pick and so she called her daughter. she woke up her daughter, her daughter checked the winning numbers and sure enough, they were the big megamillions winner for georgia. >> wow. >> big winner. >> my question, how did you not swerve off the road? she said she was in a state of disbelief. after talking to her a couple hours this afternoon, she was certainly in a state of disbelief. >> how could you not be? i don't blame her for not coming forward. i guarantee people have big buckets that are empty that wanted cash and they're running to her house now that they've given her name. ira, give us a call. we would love to talk to you.
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other news besides millionaires. two american astronauts onboard the international space station preparing for emergency spacewalks to fix a broken cooling line. nasa officials say a broken pump forced half of the cooling system to shut down. the analysts call it a massive repair job. that's just a picture of the thing. you can see the so the. it could require as many as three spacewalks, including one on christmas day. reports the astronauts are safe and comfortable but they've turned off all their nonessential equipment to keep the temperature down. a close look, officials say they have -- the bad pump made one of the cooling lines too cold. ammonia runs through the lines to chill the equipment that gates hot and the number one priority is to get that system running as soon as possible. phil keating works nasa from us. the last spacewalk didn't go well and ended mighty fast. >> absolutely.
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of course every spacewalk is inherently life-threatening and the last one in july was very concerning a as water filled the helmet as he was spacewalking. >> it's hard to tell but it feels like a lot of water. >> i see, yeah. houston.s nasa briefing still the director says despite investigation and trouble shooting the cause of the water in the helmet issue is unresolved. while at the space station, the space suits have been jerry rigged. >> this is a helmet absorption pad and this is a modified absorbent pad for the crew member's helmet. this is the first line of defense. if water enters the helmet this is designed to hold between 600 and 800 mill lighters.
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>> they'll have snorkels sewn in to breathe oxygen in case the water materialized saturday morning. >> phil keating. thank you. we will wrap things up right after this. ♪ [ female announcer ] may your holidays be merry and bright. merry pringles. the day building a play set begins with a surprisewinge of back pain... and a choice. take up to 4 advil in a day or 2 aleve for all day relief. [ male announcer ] that's handy. ♪
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>> on this day in 1620 the pilgrims docked the mayflower in plymouth harbor. in september a group of more than 100 puritans set sail for america. in november, their ship dropped anchor off the beaches of cape cod in massachusetts. scouting groups went ashore to find a good place to call home. they settled on a spot on the western side of cape cod bay and alerted the passengers. the first thanksgiving feast came one year later but the mayflower pulled into plymouth 393 years ago today. the dow, while we've been talking, it's going batty. this is close to all time record
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intraday trading but the all-time record close is 16,097. the dow just spanked that old record hard. neil cavuto knows all about the business. let's turn it over to him. whoa, read 'em and leap. the dow soaring on word the fed will keep pumping most of that easy money. the dow industrials gained close on 300 points today. ben pulling back just a little bit. the fed cutting his stimulus by $10 billion come january but still presenting $75 billion. look at that. the markets are loving it. more on that in a moment. first this: this is your mother. stay where you are. >> why don't you sit up here for a while and think things over. >> mr., you are grounded. >> and no tv. >> and i'm taking all